Had a big plate of spaghetti for dinner at five and was asleep on it by six-thirty. When I layed down, I thought I'd sleep for some duration but woke up at nine-thirty. Wide awake; what to do? There were several options but I felt I had to get moving, get out, and eventually get online.
Decided to go to the neighborhood "Irish" pub to finish digesting and watch the sports highlights. (I had originally intended to go see the Heat/Pacers game after work.) They've got half-pitchers of pop for two bucks. Three gets you two with the refill. (Such a deal.) I got the bartender to switch the TV to Sports Center and "hung out" a while waiting on events and hoping for some human interaction. Not much going on and not much in the way of society.
I then decided to write up this blog entry. I took the picture above and thought of the obligation not to drink, which is easy for me. As I was writing the bartender approached. "You took a picture of the bar?" I nodded my head... I thought I was in trouble, as if I couldn't without permission or something. "Just one of the drafts." I replied. "I keep a blog; you know, what are you up to?" She said something I've forgotten, but was amiable otherwise - I was not in trouble. She's waited on me several times before and I told her I didn't drink because not only was I an ancillary medical person but also a Baptist. I laughed as I said, "I'm not an alcoholic." as if in denial or something. She was most gracious and took it in stride. I told her I liked to watch sports with a crowd and was just stopping into a neighborhood place toward that purpose. She said that, yeah, playoff time is a busy one; she takes it in stride.
On the way out I thanked her and asked her name. Justine. Well, now.
Thinking presently about the church covenant; I should get a copy. It was mounted on the wall of the sanctuary but has disappeared. No booze! Like I said, that's easy. But mixing with winebibbers another thing entirely! Tactical witnessing is called for. Another employee, a sort of major domo who serves as a bar back cum bouncer, is an old friend from Red Hook, Brooklyn and a Marine. He was very ill last year and I placed him on the prayer list at church without his knowing it. Bowel cancer. He had surgery. Last week he told me he got an excellent report from the VA and is cancer free. Tonight I told him we were praying for him. He was moved.
My, my... we shall see him tomorrow for the Rangers in Boston. Can't wait.