Wednesday, August 19, 2020


The heat has been unbearable. Highs around 115° and not much under 100 overnight. Took a ride to some little elevation to New River. For the sunset. Somewhat overcast and hoped for some coloration. Behind Daisy Mountain it goes down. Cooled off.


Saturday, August 15, 2020

Space Between


We clashed. At Panera. Sat down; not 6 feet away! He moved.

Presently here (there) on account of free coffee deal. In a bit of a funk because I invited two friends but neither responded. Hence neither are friends.  Shall I name names? It really is disheartening. Nothing to be done. 

I'd like to catch this up but nothing's changed. Still on semi-lockdown. Day 152. 5 months. Praise God, I am well. What more can be said? I could be better.

Tomorrow, I will walk. In the cool of the morning. God willing.

Sunday, August 9, 2020

Usery Pass


Could be better but very nice. Four Peaks.
Along the way, Red Mountain and Salt River.