Saturday, December 26, 2020

La joie du vol


How beautiful. How free the cormorant. How exquisite the shot. How deft the presentation.

Need I say more? No, nothing else to say about a great artist and splendid fellow.  Right?

The day after Christmas and posted again at a Wi-Fi hotspot. I keep myself entertained. Very odd watching the tedious "The Crown" but I have such a clothes fetish for clothes I've never warn. A purple velour dinner jacket with satin lapels. A broadcloth solid blue shirt with a yellowish ascot. Silk trousers and socks. Deerskin suade slippers. Blue.

As it was I took a shower and changed into Walmart to go. No Boundary! Freedom.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

To Do Never Done


The Shadow knows how messed up is my material world. The never ending list of getting things done. Prioritize? Tidy the house? Not a priority. Lose some weight? Somewhat of a priority. Started on the house today. A day at a time. Sadly, eating is a social activity with me; one good meal a day. I enjoy cooking. But eat too many sandwiches. I think this is a psychological event, a good sandwich. Compensation for being a poor kid, nothing but bologna, roast beef and chicken salad a luxury. I imagine myself at some premium Kosher deli.

Watching a lot of movies. Matter of fact, passing the time presently downloading some. No activity at all. With COVID restrictions, no tub at the gym so I don't go. Here, atop South Mountain, an opportunity to hike but I just ride up and take in the view. Beautiful picture!

Monday, December 7, 2020

Femme Fatale

I suppose I shall have more to say about this woman some other time. My ex-wife. In the Tuileries Garden, Paris. Quite the story.

Well, after posting this, completely forgot about it. Have forgotten about her. Oddly enough, the fraud of the election last month has me kvetching about cheats. She certainly fits the profile of the criminality rampant too. A thief as well.

We met in an Anthropology class. How stupid of me to focus on her when I might have succeeded in this discipline and had a happy career. Instead, went down the tubes. The love of my life? Ha... never got far beyond it.

😇 Just kidding. I've had a great life despite stupid meddlers. 

Under Pressure

At the doctor. High anxiety. Just need a refill for BP medication. Hope it's not elevated. Weight and activity issues. Feel fine but stamina less. Still smoking. Not taking good care of myself. 

Mix-up and appointment cancelled. Did get refill. Have not rescheduled. Am posting this only to remind myself to shape up