Tuesday, December 22, 2020

To Do Never Done


The Shadow knows how messed up is my material world. The never ending list of getting things done. Prioritize? Tidy the house? Not a priority. Lose some weight? Somewhat of a priority. Started on the house today. A day at a time. Sadly, eating is a social activity with me; one good meal a day. I enjoy cooking. But eat too many sandwiches. I think this is a psychological event, a good sandwich. Compensation for being a poor kid, nothing but bologna, roast beef and chicken salad a luxury. I imagine myself at some premium Kosher deli.

Watching a lot of movies. Matter of fact, passing the time presently downloading some. No activity at all. With COVID restrictions, no tub at the gym so I don't go. Here, atop South Mountain, an opportunity to hike but I just ride up and take in the view. Beautiful picture!

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