Saturday, August 28, 2021

Getting Regular Again


Has been a while. Stopped into Last Stop but owner not there and no familiars. It was a coffee klatsch of sorts years ago. Construction workers had their breakfast, being given tokens for after knocking off. I'm sure I have a photo in archive.

Here we go. T'is Zack. Retired FDNY and Motoguzzi enthusiast. Last I heard from him was before pandemic. He had gotten a lease from USDA to live in an old ranger shack in Yavapai NF.

The place really stinks. Not even a sour beer in the sawdust odor but more ripe. Good thing patio. Was curious to see old staff but - no way. People have moved on.

Out and about today. Went to Lux too, earlier. Different sort of stinkers. Got my work done in a fish bowl. Finished this off:

Sent  it to sister for her birthday. Despite the absurd neglect and profound stupidity she and her siblings manifest. Bad people.

Winding down. Long day. Found some items I was looking for. Hard to find some things. Out of stock supply line issues. Golly, I'd clear the coast of these provocateurs and start over.

Photo: Port of Long Beach

Monday, August 2, 2021


Activities of daily life. When doing nursing, that was the description of an invalid's milieu. How's about people watching? Slowing down in a dearth of societal activity, I've taken to parking at the gas pump in front of convenience stores for a little while after getting a pop or gassing up.

So it was this night. The bigger picture would show a motorcycle on the left. This fellow was alternately panhandling then going off like a psychotic, muttering and gesticulating. A very candid shot. Better cropped and fabulous!

The bot security guy on the case. Avant-garde. Not bad for an amateur. Fun processing. Here again, activities of my life. No, not the crazy guy!