Thursday, July 30, 2020

Blue Cosmos

Not the city of God. Read Augustine long time ago. In church presently. So what of predestination?

"I, even I, am Jehovah; and besides me there is no saviour." Isaiah 43:11 Does one choose to be saved? The doctrine of predestination says not.

As mentioned, becoming Calvinist. Am reading this.
So much to read. Salvation not dependent on it.

Sunday, July 12, 2020

Power of Prayer

Well, the efficacy... the happy conclusion. Many prayers for me. Had a thought of being the first-born, as I am, and being dedicated to The Lord. Here, Samuel's presentation to Eli by Hannah. 

What a beautiful picture. 
What can I do , Lord? 
"Tidy up. Get organized. Pray."

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Lord Have Mercy

Have taken up study of John Calvin. Skimmed through his "Institutes" years ago. Reading biography first. This is key:

T – Total depravity

U – Unconditional election

L – Limited atonement

I –  Irresistible grace
P – Perseverance of the saints

Made mention to my pastor of how to appreciate predestination. Do we accept that there are the elect and the canned and let it be. What else can we do? Is it fate? For some reason God chooses; we dont. We realize and affirm, sinners still. Oh, Sweet Jesus, show me the way.

I must ask the pastor about the art gracing the website.
He says I ought read the Westminster Confession.

My, my... a lot of work. I will never be done!

On Bethany

Got back to church. Feel good about that.

Quite a few other things to catch up on. Just paid my real estate taxes. The deadline for income tax out off... get that done too. Find the documents.

Also a document search for a benefit. Found out County Assessor freezes valuation for senior citizens. Complicated insofar as application requires 1040 going back three years. I'm terrible about record keeping. Have to go to IRS.

Render to ceasar. This bird of paradise prefers God. Amen.