Monday, April 29, 2019

God Bless Me

My oleanders! It's only 80° today. I ought to be working on the presentation. Plants to report and trim the indestructible Bermuda grass. Note the runt. Caveat emptor. It's always something standing between us and perfection. You'd think, when you buy at the garden center, that when you buy several plants from same section - I've a distinct memory of doing so, that they'd all be the same. But no; dwarf species. 

The battery is going down fast on my Kindle. Some other shots  in light of pride of ownership.

Here's an old prickly pear. Magnificent.

Friday, April 26, 2019

Always Now

Been some time. Springtime at its height; hit 100° today. My oleanders looking splendid. The house warms up in late afternoon and I've got to engage my cost savings strategy with regard to the air conditioner, which I don't wish to turn on for another month. So it's out to hang at Starbucks as the sun goes down and it cools off. Otherwise, life the same and I still don't know a soul here.

Have been doing next to nothing. Online most of the time. Increased Twitter activity versus posting here. Facebook a dud. Fortunate to have gotten Amazon Prime wrapped in my phone bill. More hot-spot time too. Stream a lot of movies. Just what I'm going to do presently. Such is life.

Watched a movie filmed in China. Digitally so and we'll done. Beautiful landscapes. Costume drama with typical action elements of Chinese Western. Medieval period. Crusaders who'd gone PTSD and wandered east seeking to put distance between themselves and the killing in Syria. Outcast.

Nicholas Cage not bad. Poor guy has to earn a living. I've always liked him. Read he got married again and it lasted a couple of days. Hope that doesn't qualify her for alimony.

And an old British telly production from 1954... Colonel March of Scotland Yard. Boris Karloff. A great actor. I love the suits. He heads the Department of Queer Complaints. LOL

Has cooled down. Go home. Fix dinner