Sunday, April 19, 2020

Day 33

Day whatever. Waiting on a download. So very pleased with myself for having fixed Kindle Fire. Amaxon Prime Video acting up. Couldn't see how to instantly chat with customer service. Figured it out and took a chance. It's working fine.

Did downloading and home. Well settled. Just looked up the day. Hard to believe but there it is... over a month. No big change for me with regard to social distance but miss the activity.

My siblings are distant because I think they think I want to kill them. Just kill them good. 🤗 Be done with them. My ex-wife a worser case. Naa. Just don't want to be stared at and invisible at the same time. Prefer to be invisible only.

Great sunrise shot at Lake Pleasant. The girls love it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Patio Pleasure

Welcome to my humble abode. A silken greeting. Same today as yesterday except the kitchen has been cleaned.

Day number whatever. Mostly have my say on Facebook and Twitter but both most disappointing endevors. Every day I say to myself I'm not going online. Irresistable. But repartee feeble. Some immovables. No matter. I sit on the patio in all of the beauty of God's creation. 

Have work to do with the plants, the gates, the designing dreams. Please God I get myself motivated. Please help me with the roof issue. For now, how very pretty pictures.

Monday, April 13, 2020

Day 27!!!

Have not kept up. Not much doing. Redundant entries. Food preparation. Short excursions. Shopping adventures. Get a life! Had a happy Easter meal... Virginia ham, home made Navy beans and yams. Birding on the patio this morning.

Did go to doctor and am well medicated, vitamins every day. They say vitamin K  a boost for cell wall integrity - keep the little buggers out. Only marginally keeping up with the news. The only news I'm interested in is when 'shelter in place' is over with. A lot of kvetching about the quasi-quarantine, Fauci playing both ends against the middle. What a prick.

The Donald has been splendid. As good as could be hoped for. At one time, when I started this series, I thought either it would be a history or my last testament. Seemingly, same old. God help us all. Don't care what they say: God is good. Terrible losses. Glad to be alive.