Thursday, November 5, 2015
Filed for Social Security yesterday. Officially an old man. Congratulations.
So many people say, "I should live so long." and I plan on living longer.
Will be taking up bonsai! And a ceramics class to make mine own pots.
Another new leaf. Much to say about this. Thank God I'm relatively healthy.
Saturday, October 3, 2015
Human Hands
Perhaps I'm not a true Christian. I was tried.
A woman on the street came up to me asking for money.
Out of gas. Told me her name. Nice body. Arresting.
I thought about having sex with her and refused the request.
For cash, that is. Upon afterthought, I felt bad. Really.
I had a few bucks to spare. Got in my truck and reconsidered.
Looked for her but she'd disappeared. Wow. Quite the cycle.
Her face wasn't too attractive, however, and I moved on.
Out of gas. Told me her name. Nice body. Arresting.
I thought about having sex with her and refused the request.
For cash, that is. Upon afterthought, I felt bad. Really.
I had a few bucks to spare. Got in my truck and reconsidered.
Looked for her but she'd disappeared. Wow. Quite the cycle.
Her face wasn't too attractive, however, and I moved on.
"Give to whomever asks of it." rolled around in my mind.
But my heart has hardened. Couldn't be bothered.
I could have helped her; instead, I just saw the physical.
Aspect? Goes around comes around? Ruminate on that.
Friday, October 2, 2015
Handling It
Ah... ahimsa. Be at peace. Do no harm. Be careful.
Yes, that approach may be advisable. Think it through.
There are no enemies; there are merely others unfamiliar.
I must read Mere Christianity again. Thoroughly. Soon.
Trouble with diet recently. Find myself aggressively eating.
There's the hunt at the grocery store. Then the preparation.
Would like to 'graze' more delicately. (Need teeth fixed.)
Fruits and nuts. Not much more. Proverbial rabbit food.
Now that it's cooling off, hope to get out walking too.
A bit of a bear; temperature has spiked over 100°again.
Must get back to church more regularly. Read Bible too.
Have not been praying much lately. Need much resolve.
Well, I did order the Lewis book. Chesterton too. Orthodoxy.
Presently reading Martin Gilbert's biography of Winston Churchill.
Now there's a case... his career totally defined by war. And resolve.
Please God I sort it all out and remain in His grace, confidently.
Wednesday, September 30, 2015
Crossing Over
Along the River During the Qingming Festival. A thousand years ago.
Ah... the detail. The level of activity. The engineering. The give and take.
Would like to pick up blogging again. Facebook does not suffice.
Too much the political tussle and it's not a responsive medium.
Fighting ISIS comes up again and again... love your enemies?
Good question... does that mean not hating them and simply dealing with?
The Chinese pose a threat as well. All of them have 'issues' with regard to WASPs.
Before my time; like, I should worry? Not my problem. Sufficient the evil thereof.
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Spare some change?
The moral dilemma of the ages...
if someone asks and you've got it,
do you give it over, no matter what?
I suppose so. There but for fortune and all that.
Odd piece. St. Francis outside local RC GHQ.
Mexican coins, for the most part. Mendicancy.
If one needed it, however, is it offered?
Monday, August 17, 2015
Risky Bidness
At the 16th Street and Bethany Starbucks. Waiting. Not tonight.
View of Piestewa Peak from lounge chairs here. Good place to talk.
Spoke to her last week. She's moved from one place across from me to another. Don't know whether I bugged her or not, mumbling something under my breath while scoping the websites. She got behind me and I just caught her profile. Slightly hooked nose, but looking Mediterranean for the most part. Thirtyish. Impossible. Got a better look. Interesting. I could surely hold my own. Given the chance and all.
As I collected myself to leave, I turned to her and said,
"You're the most beautiful woman I've seen today."
"You just made my day." she responded. But I vamoosed.
Not shyness... it's the futility. More likely her mother better met!
Returned yesterday. Again no further words and did not bother her.
But she was there and didn't approach me neither. Major hint.
Anyway, thinking to speak with her on those lounge chairs,
I'd merely ask: "Does anyone care about you?" Leading question.
Tuesday, August 11, 2015
Usual Routine
Just tried to explain to compadre of detailing a blog.
How it's essentially documentary, a good example being this.
Highly ironic that Julia Child did not approve. Great story.
I should like to cook up a storm! Smoke some ribs. Maybe tomorrow.
Meanwhile, back at the old girl's school, this is the cruel reality.
Saw a mourning dove on the patio today and was thoroughly charmed.
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Go snakes!
It takes an incredible amount of patience to process these photos.
At the location noted above, it seems the Wi-Fi speed is not adequate.
These feelings of inadequacy... quite the haunt... a matter of funding!
Do you think I'd find an angel, a patron, a woman to partner with?
No such rotten luck! The circumstance goes on and on. Patience!!!
Have I already posted Patience and Fortitude? Think I have. Perhaps again.
Tuesday, August 4, 2015
Taking Note
Have a new coffee location. Perhaps to be regular. We'll see.
As previously stated, surrounded by birds... one especially.
At first she had me peeved but I got used to her prattling.
Running meetings on her laptop (loudly) all morning; big shot.
Her name's Sydney as in the feminine side. Has she got one? It?
I could just dive in here and now but... the public outrage!!!
Bide my time and perhaps we'll meet again. Cue Vera Lynn.
Were we to get going, we'd both stand to lose some weight.
Vetran Jungel Warrior
Well, we'll see about this too!
Found Ashley in Wisconsin. Sent e-mail.
Don't believe she'll respond. How to tell her?
If one doesn't, is one dead? Tell her I loved her.
Love of one's life? In a coffee place? Fated?
Found Ashley in Wisconsin. Sent e-mail.
Don't believe she'll respond. How to tell her?
If one doesn't, is one dead? Tell her I loved her.
Love of one's life? In a coffee place? Fated?
Very intriguing transaction. Many years between.
Oh my - several years ago now. Yet unforgettable.
That's what she is... there's the tune to put across.
Ah; she's not responded. A thing of the past.
Hopeless romance has endured 48 hours. OK.
Many more where she came from. Be patient?
Presently surrounded by women at coffee.
One next to me has let me know she's there.
Watching her stuff as she goes potty. Real closely.
She's back and we strike up... a little chubby.
In medical device industry. Head hunter. Not bad.
Ah; she's not responded. A thing of the past.
Hopeless romance has endured 48 hours. OK.
Many more where she came from. Be patient?
Presently surrounded by women at coffee.
One next to me has let me know she's there.
Watching her stuff as she goes potty. Real closely.
She's back and we strike up... a little chubby.
In medical device industry. Head hunter. Not bad.
Monday, August 3, 2015
Spending some time with Randy at Denny's. He's quite busy.
Going to do the Windows 10 installation. Yeow. Been putting it off.
Got a new phone; going to try to get that up to speed. That will be good.
Too bad the Wi-Fi here sucks. We'll let you know how it all turns out.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Change Yourself
IHS... Holy Name of Jesus.
IHΣΟΥΣ. I've let go of any Greek I knew.
At the centre of the Wall are statues to William Farel, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, and John Knox. The Christogram can be seen below the statues. This fellow there too... in Geneva. Or is it Zurich?
Well, anyway, began this some time ago but never finished.
Like looking at "The Institutes"; just so much to do. Back to the Greek?
That would be nice - to an extent. Mostly toward understanding.
Such a schoolboy thing. Can't help but think of this old flick:

How the folks loved "Billy Liar"! And Courtenay lives!
IHΣΟΥΣ. I've let go of any Greek I knew.
At the centre of the Wall are statues to William Farel, John Calvin, Theodore Beza, and John Knox. The Christogram can be seen below the statues. This fellow there too... in Geneva. Or is it Zurich?
Well, anyway, began this some time ago but never finished.
Like looking at "The Institutes"; just so much to do. Back to the Greek?
That would be nice - to an extent. Mostly toward understanding.
Such a schoolboy thing. Can't help but think of this old flick:

How the folks loved "Billy Liar"! And Courtenay lives!
Another While
Quite tied up lately.
Good trip to Tucson, albeit a breakdown.
Changed the coolant in the spring but didn't flush.
Done wore out - original radiator defunct. Switch out.
Back at work, further vehicular issues. Oil change...
Laurel van could use a flush as well. Regular maintenance.
They've made such a big deal of it; overdue since May.
I mean to stay out of the squabbles. Not my problem.
Monday, July 20, 2015
Snowball This
Could have sworn I made a posting of this weirdo couple of weeks ago.
Kissed her off - again. Really tried to make 'friends' but she's pretty fucked up.
Nothing new there... remember her getting off on the clitty-bang-bang in the dark.
Won't be persuaded she came on to me in the gazebo before I knew what's what.
Funny to recall riding into the city, switching from IRT to BMT at the Plaza.
Get on and there's the Christian Brother crew. Sort of staring, I'd say. Weird.
They didn't say hello and Brother James, who copped out, barely nodded.
The asshole was there too. He was totally disinterested in mating habits. Pity.
Face Off
Parkside at Cortez... think to go swimming there too. Maybe bring a fellow.
Oh yeah, he's love that; he'd have to be well behaved. You never know. With him.
I'll have to get my bikini out. Long time since exposure to sun. Very dangerous!
I think it would be great. I figure he'd pee in the damned pool. Comes with...
Pretty good shot. Headed for Tucson tomorrow. Catalinas, Canada del Oro.
Tuesday will go to Mission San Xavier. The White Dove. Maybe make Mass.
Yeah, probably can be done. Noted the time. Expect I'll be up early. OK?
Will not create a scene, however much I might like too. Peace in AZ is OK too.
Monday, July 13, 2015
Suck It In
Am feeling great. Sugar management a big plus.
Just need to get into 'workout' regime. Walking. Light lifting.
Could walk Metro Center, I suppose, with the other fogies.
Bought a pair of Chukka boots... like Mom got us long ago.
Happily, the mail order pair fit OK and look alright. Yeah.
Will be good to be able to dress neatly for church and stuff.
The get ups locally make everyone look like overgrown tykes!
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Better News
After losing my camera battery, the replacement should be here today.
Processed the above from one in the file... turned out just fine. As am I.
Sunday, June 21, 2015
Bad News
Haven't been working out as planned, but did drop to 279 pounds.
This by dint of dietary restriction. It has become imperative, so to speak.
After a blood test showing high glucose level, was tested again.
After a shot of pure glucose, I was monitored to see how I metabolized it.
I didn't and the P.A. (in a most blasé manner) told me I had diabetes.
Didn't come as much of a surprise... my grandfather had it.
And I know how I am with the carbohydrates. Fatalistically accepted it.
Brief conversation about taking care of myself with the fellow.
I said it was difficult being alone where eating is a prime social pastime.
Well, have to monitor glucose myself, and get educated.
Issues with kidney function in conjunction with hypertension.
Have been feeling more aged lately. Stiffness, cramps. Winded.
The place is still a mess and I tune so much out in my oblivion.
But I have taken this seriously and have followed the dietary regime.
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Lighten Up
Got on a scale yesterday after the workout... 285!
I'm going to get to 260 by 4th of July and 230 on August 2nd.
The goal is 200# by Labor Day. I can do it; cut down on intake.
I'd like not to sleep as much too. Seven hours a night sufficient.
The days are very boring, yes; have got to find things to do.
Would like to master the PhotoSketcher app - I just wing it.
And write more things up here. But not much stimulation.
I'd love to get in touch with Iris. Very dicey situation.
Monday, May 25, 2015
Go Placidly
Memorial Day. Am fixing to go work out. Bought shoes.
Have got to drop 30# for a start... figure I'm at 290.
Would be nice to walk in a garden such as this...
the treadmill will have to suffice. Boring as all hell.
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Back to Work
If it's Wednesday...
Yesterday I was going to shoot the Japs and quit smoking.
Back to the routine. Keep 'em flying. And safe. Happy!
Funny thing; joined autistic pages on Facebook. Too much.
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
On the East Side
The saguaros aren't blooming yet. Did pass by this fine looking tree.
Another one of those instances where I've not a clue as to what it is.
Have promised myself to stop into a garden center and inquire.
Located just south of Orangewood and 3rd Street... the corridor.
Presently waiting out traffic at the Starbuck's at 16th and Bethany.
Getting over to the west side a bear with the light rail and freeway.
Wish there was more activity here - and online too. Pretty quiet.
Could write something up about the Saints. The MC Facebook page.
Between a rock and a hard place there, wanting to 'witness' and such.
But you've got to respect their feelings. I remember Dad being insulted.
Once you cross that bridge, no sense in burning it... people to go back for.
How much like the trained tree we are. Not to stiff, we aver. We believe.
Piestewa Impresses
Several rainy days ago... perfectly clear today.
Had thought to get to the Japanese Garden for some shots.
Slept in late, however, and would rather go in cool of morning.
Somewhere, saguaros are blooming. Take a ride to Dreamy Draw.
Monday, May 18, 2015
Sunday, May 3, 2015
Had lovely story to tell of Omar at the French Corner.
What I didn't mention was giving him the book. Loaner.
Went over his head, I'm afraid. But some folks might have surmised.
Has come up again in dealing with incident at Perry Center. Privileged.
Across from a woman presently. Has a great nose. Intently serious.
We did have some fun... in the computing. Wow; what a tune thus.
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