Tuesday, May 19, 2015

On the East Side

The saguaros aren't blooming yet. Did pass by this fine looking tree.
Another one of those instances where I've not a clue as to what it is.
Have promised myself to stop into a garden center and inquire.
Located just south of Orangewood and 3rd Street... the corridor.

Presently waiting out traffic at the Starbuck's at 16th and Bethany.
Getting over to the west side a bear with the light rail and freeway.
Wish there was more activity here - and online too. Pretty quiet.
Could write something up about the Saints. The MC Facebook page.

Between a rock and a hard place there, wanting to 'witness' and such.
But you've got to respect their feelings. I remember Dad being insulted.
Once you cross that bridge, no sense in burning it... people to go back for.
How much like the trained tree we are. Not to stiff, we aver. We believe.

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