Finally got my eyeglass order done. Had to find the prescription in the truck. All the junk mail gets thrown on the passenger floor, sometimes with other pertinent paperwork. Waited on a cooling to attack the vehicle. Meanwhile, the primary spectacles are under something in the house. Stepped on the back-up pair. Duct tape to the rescue.
The phone also has gone missing. Could have dropped from pocket. Has happened. If left behind, did the routine back-track. Unfortunately, since it wasn't formatted yet, it doesn't turn up on the search map pinpointing. On the other hand, a bit of a respite from engagement. Have gone incommunicado.
One wonders. If you clear your mind and all is "Fuggettaboutit." what to do? Let things sort themselves out. Tomorrow is sister's birthday. Miss Jiggles (The noive. A goad.) has had warpèd hostility for some time. She stole my armoire and one of the idiots stole my seat upon a break in the action. Football. Too bad we can't commiserate about Kenny Farrell's last visit. Most secret. Some people would rather compete than be friendly. No need for that.
Nothing to be done about it and I wouldn't bet on anyone giving a rat's arse about forgetting.
Had another thought of Francesca. There's a waitress nearby named Tiffany. I told her that she and I would come for breakfast. But I need to go lightly and no way I go off reservation.