Thursday, September 23, 2021

Not My Rose

It's another while between posting but, however risky, have been going to Facebook. My own advise was not to use it as a blog but the demic has driven many an assertion. Call it a will to live.

Here and now, would like to thank Taco Bell for a link-up. They say you can thank them later but I need to cut the carbs. A lot.

Stopped into Francesca's old venue. She's moved on. Very dicey finding out her circumstance. Just as difficult as whenever last time was. Married women do not behave like she did, or so I presume. Who knows a loaded concept. Not my business except for her feeling me up. That's right; a touchy-feely utterly on my thigh while minding my own... business as usual... go figure.

She's still local but distant. We'll see. Unlikely any connection.

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