Well, I've got nothing but good things to say about wish you were here. You: anybody? (Someone something intriguing like you.) Preferably a fan, but not too much, the home teams out of contention. Seems a lively place. Mixed crowd. Zippide-do-da. Wonderful day. Who won... I forget already.
My Dad had an Impala. It was white with black roof. I learned how to drive in it. There is terminal story here, but not the time or place to impart. Nice vehicle there.
Up early this morning. Plenty to do around here. Tidy up. So go I every thing in it's place. Am going to pot the Christmas tree. (Did you notice how the tree lots did not liquidate stock? Plastic, if at all? Festivus poles.) Other arrangements to be had. Might as well do the laundry.
Whatever is the game tonight, I'm going.