Saturday, December 21, 2024

Lumbar Plexes


So what do I have in my bag of tricks to allay the effects of aging. Therefore and hereto... look out! 

Over the past summer, a record setter in the books, I'm afraid I became a bit of a hypochondriac. Motion was out of the question. I stayed indoors, coming out well after dark. First of all, my BMs were irregular, then the itchys. Was my pillow infested. Hey... I had a case of the scabies after a bed bound client went several rounds to a rehab center. So, all laundered and tea tree oil. Scalp 'treatments' no end. All resolved. Unaware of mites, but no microscope. 🥴 Just what doctor ordered.

Up and at 'em upon World Series and the bowels were taken care of. Sooner after, hello there be tender. Restrained. Wary. She asked me if I were ascared, yuck, yuck... only when I can't see through you and, sorry to say you typify. Something about room-mate. The girl must need a hand.

Something's up today. Self-adjusting slowly, my back had a good crick. Really good. Some relief to sciatic nerve; no, great relief. Hence I'm considering going back to chiropractor rather to osteopath. Long story going back two years (and then some years prior) to last encounter with chiro. Some question as to whether he can service me - insurance didn't pay last treatments. After Christmas.

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