Friday, May 11, 2018

Feral Interaction

Engaged in tweeting, ever am cognizent of the Pavlovian milieu. How our manners and education, our sensibility and savoir-faire, our need for recognition and validation, our tendency for aggression and wishing to win. One does not wish to 'go off, but it happens all thr time. Loyalty and territoriality.

Had a laugh think about how to fit in, as an outsider. There's a few groupthink themes to assorted tweets depending oon the avocation. There's journalists, theologics and artists. I like to think the venue another art form. Hence there'll be a range of expression. Just want be sensible and kind. 

It all brought me to read Psalm 119, which I have to do beyond the single citation I know... I've hidden Your word in my heart that I might not sin against You.

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