Wednesday, October 13, 2021



One of the most magnificent things I've ever seen. Should have videographed it but too much in wondrous bliss. These starlings, famous for their quickness in echelon, are feeding. The cohort on the right is finishing off the grub... they then flit over the flock to take up station on the left. So it goes on from moment to moment, the flock moving along like a conveyor belt. How marvelously behaviorist!

A good walk in the park too. Presently at Lux. No one here I know. Will be moving on. Bible study tonight. I did recommit my membership at Love Baptist. Some other time, the play-by-play of dealing with theological conundrums. Saints preserve us.

The pastor's talk last Sunday was about Joshua, son of Nun. Sheesh. Threw me for a loop.

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