Thursday, October 28, 2021

Walk It Off

ad a startle in Bible study this evening. I had not read the lesson before. John 1 and engaging in discipleship. When I did during, amused to see Jesus ask, "What are you looking for?" as if He knows they're looking for the reputed Messiah and come with me and we'll show them. A stretch but runs right into a crunch.

Luke 9:3. "And He said to them, “Take nothing for your journey, neither a staff, nor a bag, nor bread, nor money; and do not even have two tunics." How obsessed I get about all the items in the daily walking (Driving!) round kit, the primary one walking round money. Then keys, licence and communicator. Etc. understatement.

Can I do it. I have so much stuff to clear out. Made proposition to pastor concerning visits to homebound and hospitalized people. Hope to house in order by Christmas. Yes, I aim to have a nice one. Then, decisions about exterior and move back to Oregon.

Here a great shot of one of the purveyors of good bread. Should I? Under the regime of this discipline? Well, the Apostle Paul follows up. Work up an appetite. Deserve. My Facebook post follows a different tack. True story. Proustian?

"My first trip away from home when 14. Someone gave my father ducats to Army-Navy Game. 1966. A classmate, a Scout, came along with me to Port Authority to Arch Street, then old JFK Stadium. Great game.

Went directly home after laughing about the girls only going for uniforms. We wouldn't know what to do anyway. No problems. No scares. Fabulous. Home safe."

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