Thursday, November 4, 2021

Legendary People


I have to finish this. We're covering Colossians in Bible study on Sundays. Deeply reading it presently. A prison letter. Paul sends greetings from Luke and Demas. I met a Demas at the gym. Russian fellow who recently became U.S. citizen. More chat upcoming. May be someone I could ask to church but really am curious about whether he is Orthodox. Could be Georgian. 

More comments forthcoming upon this letter. Right now, in transit.


OK. Disappointed! Said hello to Demas who was not very friendly. Nonetheless, mean to memorize Colossians. I'd love to record Proverbs. And the Sonnets. 

I've a microphone attachment I've never opened out of the package. After getting the Fall cleaning done, I may sit down.😆All sorts of things are turning up. My Audubon Southwestern Field Guide! There was something else but I've forgotten already.

This picture presents legend of Luke painting the first Christian icon ever. It was also said that he was attending when Mary passed. Subsequent argumentation about Mother of God and such. Can get out of hand. A penchant for extrapolation, shall we say? May I? 😇

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