Thursday, April 21, 2016

Le coucher du soleil

Blast! Took so long to get other photos done this afternoon that I missed the sunset at the beach. Drove up a hill in a race but didn't quite make it. Ha... I live for my art!

Tomorrow I'll catch it. (The full moon is shimmering over the channel presently.) Along with the mission and a walk around town. Lots of older buildings and much flora. The driving isn't too bad; the freeways moves one around pretty good. The 'downtown' area though is slow going with traffic and the lights are much too long. But there are many pedestrians. It's a busy place during the day. 

It was so very cool late in the afternoon after being warm earlier on the beach.
Yeah, I'm pretty much done with the local boonies. A day tripping around town, eh?   

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