Sunday, August 27, 2017

Bubbles Burstink

Glad the spa available overnight. Nice tub. 
Some steam. Sauna. Finnish heart attack.
Float upon the water; weightless. Cured.
I told her schizophrenic matter. No response.

Did not tell her I was always faithful to my
ex-wife and that it was she who fractured my
exquisite mind in conjunction with other 
evil, flim-flamming girls. Who needs them?

They can't be depended upon nor trusted.
So... be one of the boys. They're pathetic.
Oh, so very glad to get out of that hellhole.
A tragedy that neighborhoods perverted so.

All a game to her. Over and over - "I'm 45."
What I heard was "I'm 45 still playing at this.
I should be home with my family." Really.
Too bad. Chance encounter. Full circle. Yuck.

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