Saturday, August 5, 2017

Good Reflexes; Not Too Much

Have got to get the Medicare issues squared away. Was waiting on dropping a few pounds before chiropractor... 60# since last spoke with place but it's not exactly convenient. Oh yeah, they love to sign you up. Shoulder doing very much better. Some little discomfort. Soft tissue. First time ever thought about acupuncture. So where to go for comprehensive treatment? 

Have to look up whether Weil's operation has location in Phoenix. Too much going on to get involved in another set of 'issues' I'm not interested in getting distracted with. All sorts of contention; a bear.

Remembering conversation with Phyllis at First Southern many years ago about not having to bear with more than you can, giving it over to The Lord. Happens all the time. The Good Lord willing, usually works out.

Presently at a restaurant with inadequate internet service. Many places that way. Some have protocol issues. Bleed the onion. Just this post to do then off to spa. Had a couple of gins last night; good sleep after deciding not to fix big dinner. Was going to do pasta! So funny... no white stuff. Yeah, check in with the allopaths too. They get one all flummoxed but they mean well.

Will need to have good nap this afternoon. Up in the air about going to see Francesca and hearing the 'divil' assault mine ears. We've had such good times already but much too clinical. The more I find out, the more skittish I become. First too young (thought she was 30 something) then much too beautiful (Had some work done? Haven't looked too closely.) now a metaphysical challenge. How embarrassing, really. Big Ass Burger?!! Never seen a finer one. The only woman in the world. But a real stickler. Something happened to her real bad, I surmise. 

Did not intrude upon her story of ending up on a park bench in Las Cruces. Remembered an old client at Good Samaritan Rehab though. Got his Quickie and discharged, raring to go. (Small world?) Told her about the night I spent in a park in Portland trying to make up my mind as to whether to stay there or go to Phoenix. Events sort of made up my mind for me. How do I tell her I'm mine own, but my worst enemy too - perhaps. Something bad happened to me as well. I need to trust her.

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