Saturday, September 30, 2017
Upon Being Punished When Innocent
Glad to finally understand Wild Card protocol.
There are two, not one... I see it now. Hmm.
Problematic getting past Rockies. Que sera.
Had thought they'd play LA. Not yet. Er... ðŸŽ
Umpagucci's Redoubt
An hour left at provider location. Making steady progress.
Takes time to pull up topographic maps; later for that. Forgot.
Oh, my... ballast seems to be dysfunctional. Discharging without...
Hence a wrap until determination of whether shorted out; secure back-up.
Just as well. I'm starving. Have to endure the stares everywhere I go.
Now, I ask you - what did I do? In private, I made poesy as it were. LOL.
Can't say that I'm glad to be back in Mammon. First thing - get your money out.
We've been there; la raison d'être dans la vallée du soleille raison d'etre is separating folks from it. Or so it seems, don't you feel?
Just having some tea and paying what the market bears. Arghh. No problem.
Just having some tea and paying what the market bears. Arghh. No problem.
Have to get to the processing. Haven't saved the best for last. Real good OP.
Have got to look Salome up! Here're some words to live by as we go forward.
Rarely Happens
Normally don't bother with casual updates. But have to presently on what may well be a pointless trip to a redoubt at sunset. Along the way, I'm more firmly convinced about leaving the hellhole Phoenix and metropolistic slab has become. Outrageous.
I can say take your permanent record and shove it up the pope's nose. Rotten, spiteful people under influence of control freaks.
I won't say anything about poor people needing salvation, a free gift, by God, who turn to those perpetrators of many an atrocity. The testimonies are due protection. I can't wait until church tomorrow... tonight I pray for milady.
Post Vivamente
An excursion planned toward the wilds south of Tonopah.
Expect no distress on freeway. Come back and do 303 complete.
Barbeque tonight. Beef ribs, I hope... depends on the sales. Anything...
Baked beans, cole slaw. Kozy Shack on sale! Reduces entree choice, eh?
At any rate, far from contestants and discomfort from yucksters.
Did a little garden work in back. Do front this evening. Way cool.
Repotting and coaxing indoor plants back to health. A/C off for duration.
Open the house up and ventilate well. Have plenty fans. Slow smoke.
At any rate, far from contestants and discomfort from yucksters.
Did a little garden work in back. Do front this evening. Way cool.
Repotting and coaxing indoor plants back to health. A/C off for duration.
Open the house up and ventilate well. Have plenty fans. Slow smoke.
Big Mistake
Rather than a chain store, went for coffee this morning at local 'bar' as I didn't feel like standing on line for mentioned. Right away a yob stares me down. Waking up slowly, went out to patio. Yob complaining about gardening implementation all broke down. I said it sounded like he needed to hire someone and was ready to reach for my phone getting number (Good and fair person.) so he could contact and fellow gets job.
Carrumba if he don't stick his finger in my face; returning evil for good indeed. Did I mention he was a foul mouthed son of an ignoramus? (Picking a fight with His Grace from the beginning.) Should have my head examined in going there. Finished coffee contemplating ride to Hassayampa and I think the 303 is done all the way round.
Hence, returning crockery to 'bar' with remains of water, stated, said yob adjacent, "I say we take Wickenburg. Swing round." Used to be antique places but doubt anything any more. Nor old claims. You think they're in it for the money? Leaving, the fog should have burnt off by now round Coos Bay. Daytrippers arriving, I suppose. Destination... where's Moe's? Yeah, move up there and peel potatoes for pin money. Good idea.
Bar?!! The law will not save you. Useless vindictive people.
Put it behind and compose for church tomorrow. Leave us be.
Bar?!! The law will not save you. Useless vindictive people.
Put it behind and compose for church tomorrow. Leave us be.
Never, never with the instigators of pain and sorrow. Replicants.
Domination their game, not of this world the name of Christ Jesus.
Welcome to America, where they do not respect our culture. Amen.
They're very disrespectful, actually; inform rather than converse. Definitely.
Welcome to America, where they do not respect our culture. Amen.
They're very disrespectful, actually; inform rather than converse. Definitely.
Contempt of Me Do Swell
Satan roundly defeated, brats vanquished;
peace established. (Don't wreck truce.) Hola!
Tomorrow we fertilize and organize spices.
All in a day's work? Hardly. Responsibilities.
With the relations doomed, not so funny.
They'll punish selves ad infinitum. Unless.
With the relations doomed, not so funny.
They'll punish selves ad infinitum. Unless.
Friday, September 29, 2017
Il est temps de crevettes!
Tout terminé avec une tâche photographique.
Achetez les choses avec une très bonne lecture.
Je ne peux pas dire que je vais pour la vulgarité; très raffiné.
S'il vous plaît ne me faites pas me faire ... fail-safed, you see.
Unmentionable result of oddly scheduled game.
How come? Usually you want division play.
Contenders deciding, that sort of thing.
Nevertheless, have settled to finish processing. Multo.
Hey... I'm missing the car guys in the lot at 35th and Northern.
Not in the market but a nice walk. If you don't get mugged. Really.
One of my old friends was the other day. Neighborhood going down.
Otherwise, it's only been three days and I'm going to be fine, ma'am.
Wish the tea selection was better here, that's all.
We don't have karaoke; there's something else.
Heard some excellent alto sax today, or so friend said.
Sounded like a cornet to me. Wonder.
No Intelpro
Shorts pressed - ready to go. What inning?
Hope I don't run into any attorneys is all.
"What do you do for a living?"
I don't recall. Just kidding... I run agents.
Some Bloom
have small plans this evening on.
Catch finale game, get Superior plates
up on site and cook Shrimp creole.
Have ambivalent feelings relative
milady. Happy to be free of her, yes,
but (I'd never tell her that. Might hurt.)
miss her insofar as whiling away goes.
Whiling presently waiting on dry shirt.
Above one of my latest inventions. Near.
Don't have to walk all the way across yard.
Wash done every so often. Sun down. Slow.
Plenty to do otherwise. Maybe shouldn't
be here either which begs the question...
why would a man who ostensibly walks
with Jesus go to a bar? Good question, yo...
Warming Back Up
One place I go to for odds and ends. Really.
Need extention chain fan fixture. Ask;
"OK, got connectors. Whatcha got finish?
"Huh?" "Like fineals - upside down."
" Oh, yeah. Got wood and chrystal here.
That done and other adventures, gas
up, cup ice, tea in truck. Hydrated A-OK.
Pretty Good
Hit Cutoff Person
Truly, have a ton of photos to process. Get to work!
And a deadline whereby I'll have to be getting along.
Really something... when you can't tell what you'll never forget.
Never had coffee like that in my life. Unbelievable but quite true.
MI Way
Woke up fit to be tied and fixin' for a fight.
Won't be misunderstood. "Ain't that some tune?"
Yes, ma'am. We done. We gonna relax. We cool.
Clear the mind. Depend on team. Trust in The Lord.
Thursday, September 28, 2017
Not Bad
Quite tuckered out after good walk and travel fatigue. Time to hit the tub.
Wonderful to get out on the open road. Headed toward Kearney but turned back.
Vehicle held up fine. Sorry about lamenting family relations. They were cruel.
Lord God, Heavenly Father: thanks for a safe trip and adequate mechanics. We love Your creation and celebrate it best we can. Be with my sister and bring her to reconciliation with me. Be with all my family and help me get over their benighted ostracism. Be with Francesca and let us be objective and respectful of each other if we ever encounter each other again. I'm sorry but I got angry being intruded upon and thought we were being disrespected. Grant us calm and peace in dealing with all the demands life makes upon us. You know I love her but am not circumstanced comfortably with all the differences and misunderstandings. I ask this in Jesus' name.
Last Light
Just missed the sun going down over western ridges. On account of processing and posting while in Superior and miscalcud up time but didn't figure terrain. Went under rlation... lookeidge soon before I got to chosen spot. Here it was. Above looking south toward what I think is Picketpost Mountain as it did so. (No time to check topographic map.) Automatic shot. No tripod so winging it.
Time consumed by aggravation as mentioned. Were I to send something, it would be ignored. They're like that. "Just ignore him." coming from real comatose people. Hurt me bad. I just shine them on. Have a lot of pictures to do and am pretty tired after long day.
Having 'fun' presently figuring the formatting for variegating display. No time again to work it out completely. Learn something new everyday but, really, who's got the time. Always say 'make the time' but priorities intercede, I guess.

Here's last shot of day.
On an island in front yard
of old hacienda on Corrine
watered I many times done.
He put a steer skull like
the ranchers do and many
places under the sun. Amen.
Stand Up
Incommunicado?!! How can one with Wi all over? Just need to put some people out.
Of mind that is. My sister's birthday today but she ruined the relationship. Poisoned well.
A loute... very bull and mean. Had a gift for her years ago. A purse, it was. Held off.
After she'd excluded me from one of her covens. So what? Not my fault her downfall.
A Babylonian babe can do no wrong? Like Hitler! A very gauche individual. Mean.
A long drive can do that. Bring things to mind. Get over it fast. Just know she gossips.
Vicious, she and her sister. Hardly know what they're talking about. A tragedy? Nope.
When one knows the source of bad information, easy to shine on. Off my ducky back.
No ducks hereabouts, but several hawks. Drove past arboretum as it closes early.
Went on a ways toward Kearney. Back to Queen Creek after victualing. Splendid burro.
Too bad about statement here but I will never capitulate to evil. In cahoots with globalists!
Being here and now just fine with me. Get shots then back to town for to process. Good.
We've Got It
Not north, south nor west. East! Before Superior to Boyce Thompson. Day trip.
Presently having relaxed coffee in neighborhood. Still strangers galore. A bear.
The baristas sure do make a lot of noise. Some people way too loud. Music?
Having gypsy convention concurrently. Get going before sunset on Queen Creek.
Presently having relaxed coffee in neighborhood. Still strangers galore. A bear.
The baristas sure do make a lot of noise. Some people way too loud. Music?
Having gypsy convention concurrently. Get going before sunset on Queen Creek.
First Light
Not a restaurant. No longer belong Francesca; first come, first served. There was something of a test the other day. Sunday. Made known me.
Not there. Not first time. Not a friend. Condescending? Wouldn't know.
The way they are; detached in off-putting manner. Nervous laugh. Stress.
Hilarious, Woodstock. Not there either but moved from after demand crunched.
To near Liberty. Alongside Jewish Alps. Anyway, the mob gathered. Got offer.
Was assistant assistant beer and soda man in Key Food after assistant dairy guy.
Vacation relief. Beer guy had wheels: would like go? "Sure." Papa? "Absolutely not."
Yeah, right. Wait for the album, the movie. The marketeers, in their cups, said
"Avons-nous une synergie, ou quoi?" laughing to bank. "They're animals." Yup.
One morning at Fordham later, going to work at Bloomingdale's one other morning
after night spring carousing (went to sleep; up early) passed old Jebbie. Same thing!
Just love this scene cause we're people. Know a pastor who agrees. Abraham believed.
Always been one day at a time. You don't need knackered, manipulative TV to say.
Another 'issue'? When you love people and amuse them for free. They're put out!
Good thing no money worries. All I've got to say. Don't like people no more. No how.
Wednesday, September 27, 2017
Home, finally home. Too tired for gym.
Ezra this evening. (KOOL incident.) Gladness.
Back within Temple! Sorrow subsequent.
Ezra ashamed of the people's negligence.
That's all been personally confirmed. Oh, yeah.
Hope to get away near future. Incommunicado.
Longer term problematic. Comfortable church.
Checked out Spineto's for playoffs. We'll see.
D'ya b'leevum'?
Then, looking to do so at coffee place, loud girls, snotty boys. Good service... almost.
The creamer was empty after ten minutes on line. Real nice Latina checked me out.
We had brief conversation viz tea selection. Made sure I got it right the first time. Yup.
Carrumba if the traffic hasn't mounted too much at 3:15 I left 7th Street and Missouri.
Everything backed up, decided to camp out at Luci's until time to go to church. OK?
Who needs the agitation? Just got to thinking never go back to the Hideaway. West.
Nor O'Brien's. Beastly people. Want nothing to do with them. Leroy says we a slum.
Who made it so? Beyond my ken but know I am, by hook or crook, getting out.
Phoenix is a corrupt city in a brutal state. Good riddance soon as possible. Really.
Just as I had wanted to watch the playoffs with Francesca, thought to ask her there.
She chose Babylon. Could have had a decent conversation at least. Unbelievable.
Have to put it all behind me and feel composed for folks at church. They seem OK.
Haven't moved my membership. No compassion elsewhere. Too many bad transactions.
There was once, at another Bible study session, when the salt - before or after tasting?
You know; observation upon whether person thinks first. Said J.C. Penny. Walt Disney!
I'm so, so angry. They're a business, not spiritual venue. Love cheapened everywhere!
Look down they're cocky noses at me, will they? Dream up notions of spiritual warfare.
Over and done with. Who in their right mind would account weather as retribution?!!
There's no need to pay any of them a thing for Christ Jesus died for them. And them.
Who needs the agitation? Just got to thinking never go back to the Hideaway. West.
Nor O'Brien's. Beastly people. Want nothing to do with them. Leroy says we a slum.
Who made it so? Beyond my ken but know I am, by hook or crook, getting out.
Phoenix is a corrupt city in a brutal state. Good riddance soon as possible. Really.
Just as I had wanted to watch the playoffs with Francesca, thought to ask her there.
She chose Babylon. Could have had a decent conversation at least. Unbelievable.
Have to put it all behind me and feel composed for folks at church. They seem OK.
Haven't moved my membership. No compassion elsewhere. Too many bad transactions.
There was once, at another Bible study session, when the salt - before or after tasting?
You know; observation upon whether person thinks first. Said J.C. Penny. Walt Disney!
I'm so, so angry. They're a business, not spiritual venue. Love cheapened everywhere!
Look down they're cocky noses at me, will they? Dream up notions of spiritual warfare.
Over and done with. Who in their right mind would account weather as retribution?!!
There's no need to pay any of them a thing for Christ Jesus died for them. And them.
Had better get a move on beating crosstown afternoon inconvenience.
Not my cup of tea that; need to get home take that nap and be there.
On the way, looking the opposite direction from the queers about, Gridhenge.
Pretty lucky spotting this, getting it down on record and scooting. Really happened!
Git Yer Feet Off
Had I known today was going to be so disorganized, I'd've not left the house. I've got two books going now. The French couple and this going back a ways. There was a real good program on PBS a while ago about forestry. Come to think of it, I haven't turned the TV on in months. How many months since I met Francesca? Around Easter. Probably won't see her again as she can sure dish it but not take it. Good thing to find out before getting involved. That was queer too, finding out what a scuzzy life she's had. Nothing can do about it so long as she's adamant about being self-centered. Thanks a lot, girl friend. But no thanks to the wicked network of dupes. They're jealous as all hell. I will not brook them. I will not fight them. I will trust in God and no one needs to know any more.
Whom I channel, she could know better. What's she got but baggage?
And that I'd carry in a New York minute. Terrible outcome. No reunion.
Got together enough to go to auction viewing. Funny that; viewers here...
comments? Contradiction in terms: intrude upon then ignore him. Strange.
Seems, in addition to contiguous perverts, I'm taking on the RCs. The papist are done for. Not my doing but theirs. Not worth a spit nor the time of day. Why? They'll use it against one toward advantage in a tangle over the power of the Gospel, they to gouge, we to gift, for it is indeed thus. They've no efficacy whatsoever. Things created or destroyed? As if they've got a thing to do with spiritual well-being. Haters. What will they make of the work presented? Not their property is all I can posit.
As Was Youself
The so-called War of the Sexes is become pathetic - irregardless of gender manipulations. I'm severly disappointed with regard to certain recent occurances in the course of events. Solaced in that I appointed an iota, easily overcome. Despite the reprehensible dramatic uses against one; love under false colors?
Duplicity rampant.
Treachery a-la-pissant.
If they reckon they can put or keep down yours sincerely, well, welcome to my world.
Dad's a dope and the king must die. I'm going to pass on lunch. Nap then church. Relax.
Dad's a dope and the king must die. I'm going to pass on lunch. Nap then church. Relax.
Donne bin thar.
Don't deny the truth.
Swift and Company
Just don't know where I'll go tomorrow except presently do that I'm going to Bible Study this evening. So much congestion in Sedona and not quite into hiking much. Ah, the hike too far into the vortex of we remember the best laid plans but there's always something. Maybe an auction this morning, though I can't think of a thing I need.
Had a rude awakening this morning. What if a bartender hits on one and then twists the facts to suit the Gay Mafia? (The biggest lie... Elton's vain idolatry viz White.) How perverse does it get? Like; think they're going to put one over on His Grace? Before he even wakes up! Nevertheless, I was completely cooperative and complied with the complexed. People do have 'issues', don't they?
More aware presently; still, I choose not to fret the nation going to hell in a handbasket. There's an old theological brouhaha - election. Pretty simple. Decide for Jesus and He'll be with you always, no matter what. This makes some people feel uncomfortable. That's the process of conviction. No guilt trip but, hey, my bad. In the secular society, a dicey situation. All that about tough and unconditional love? Bingo.
Lighten up.
Settled In
Rearranged somewhat here. Dig it...
several weeks ago had a wrought iron
plant stand ripped off. Unbelievable.
Good thing accessible back-up. Done.
Tuesday, September 26, 2017
Feet Still
Traffic a breeze and the DBacks zoned out in the interest of great literature. Nice crowd here. Nothing else much to say. Peace out.
Could Be Interesting
One of my fave peoples was Inuit. And I'll always fondly remember Umpqua Lady.
Hope to effect settling business affairs by Valentine's Day for move to Oregon coast before torridity. Part of that may have to be slander suit. We're not talking from Lord & Taylor's here. BTW Abercrombie's has really gone down. Not my problem. I prefer the thrifts.
Outfitting no issue at all. Complete kit...
unless I go off into the Amazon. Cagey, girl.
Carefree Happening
I've taken a cotton to Four Peaks IPA. Thereby was an issue! Beer, the standard issue corporators' fluid buzzmeister, made for yucky cottonmouth. Probably rots your teeth too but they love their beer. Ale hits the spot like, well... what's the opposite of dolorous? Actors can be spitefully persnickety, so I'd don't want this to get out. They might raise the price. As if that would deter me. Impossible? We'll find out. Find comfortable chair; review. Do my best to keep it under hat and how glorious. Good to be feeling so lithe.
Who would have thought?
I say we put admiration to good use.
The Nation would expect no less.
An awful lot to live up to. You can do it.
Who would have thought?
I say we put admiration to good use.
The Nation would expect no less.
An awful lot to live up to. You can do it.
Alternative Get Ready
Forced to kill some time until take in DBacks, I see they've jumped in front.
Perhaps a musical venue. I feel like whatever's going to gong. Research!
Plenty food home after forage of discounted canned matter at grocery.
Minimum gnosh? Hey... how's about antipasto. Call and see if show baseball.
Plenty food home after forage of discounted canned matter at grocery.
Minimum gnosh? Hey... how's about antipasto. Call and see if show baseball.
Qué hermoso, ¿no?
This is awfully good. I dedicate it to a local fan base. We quite appreciate.
The first floral installation I attempted were gardenias. On a plot before front patio. Did fine until summer sun, then going toward and back from zenith, was direct upon them. Didn't survive. I loved the way they looked around San Diego. Unfortunately, we do not have the fog burning off nor rolling in.
This is something like a bottle brush. Don't know colloquial off-hand. Linnean moniker undetermined. Callistimon blocking further recall. Can stop by garden center at convenience. Might look good anchoring patio with Bird of Paradise.
Have to get a move on from processing and do some repotting this afternoon.Which means a stop at store for small stuff. Need gaskets for hose connections. Don't sweat small stuff, eh?
From All Over Over Again
Facebook full of ubiquitous terrain hereabouts. Here some cables for your edification.
Detoured before arriving Luci's for a few shots in Central Corridor. Have to be fast. Yup.
Someone might think you're casing the place or worse. A prospective buyer? An agent?
Say there's someone in Pakistan with money to be invested. Buy up U.S. real estate. Yup.
Out of Dodge?
OK. Get kit together and vehicle ready for excursion Thursday. Hopefully.
North or south? Catalinas here. Maybe Oracle. Sustainability sounds good.
Follow Up
Usually, going to Internet, go to news first, then comments elsewhere. This morning to blog first. Follow up. Fix ups. More often than not impromtu posts made of items in mine own memory so elegantly facilitated by CPU.
The Tom Jones piece dancing with Janis Joplin. Only one woman in red at table! At a glance, other looks like she's in paisley. Goes to notion of unreliability of eye-witness testimony. Point was she's not quite 'into it' while perhaps astonished and certainly amused. Really funny until you evaluate going a bit too far as Janice did.
The Tom Jones piece dancing with Janis Joplin. Only one woman in red at table! At a glance, other looks like she's in paisley. Goes to notion of unreliability of eye-witness testimony. Point was she's not quite 'into it' while perhaps astonished and certainly amused. Really funny until you evaluate going a bit too far as Janice did.
Other side of the coin are personal feelings about being constantly surveilled in present. Had odd conversation with restaurant manager, cameras pointing down on all the tables. Very odd. I can see for security and loss prevention at till, but think what's going on intrusive. Well, he says people steal the salt and pepper shakers. The ceramic sweetner containers. Oh. (I wouldn't expect blood on the floor and CS purview.) How exactly, the perps ID'd, do they track them down?
Didn't ask but accepted his rationale. They get recorded pilfering, they don't get in, I have to surmise. None of my business but don't like the circumstance. What if you're dealing with someone at table and proprietor records for competitor who hires a lip reader. Use your imagination! Or you are ticked at the service and, later, the management replays the scene, guffaws all around. "What an arsehole." So he wasn't happy the asparagus was too stringy. "He'd better like it." as the quartermaster would say. What's said in wardroom ought to be supportive.
Didn't ask but accepted his rationale. They get recorded pilfering, they don't get in, I have to surmise. None of my business but don't like the circumstance. What if you're dealing with someone at table and proprietor records for competitor who hires a lip reader. Use your imagination! Or you are ticked at the service and, later, the management replays the scene, guffaws all around. "What an arsehole." So he wasn't happy the asparagus was too stringy. "He'd better like it." as the quartermaster would say. What's said in wardroom ought to be supportive.
One just has to get used to it, I guess.
The only other thing I recall offhand (I'm sure there are plenty of things needing editorial correction.) is describing walking down 1st Avenue - one could go via York past Rockefeller University just as well; right past Dangerfields!
Monday, September 25, 2017
I want to be Phoebus.
"You can't be. You haven't got the looks.
You've got the knack. Little birdie told me."
OK. So long as it doesn't get politicized.
And, kids - do not try this at home. Really.
Done in spirit of L.B. Mayer and troupers.
"No. Stewart president. Reagan best friend."
Laughton indeed marvelous actor.
Signed Spartacus' son's manumission too.
Done in spirit of L.B. Mayer and troupers.
"No. Stewart president. Reagan best friend."
Laughton indeed marvelous actor.
Signed Spartacus' son's manumission too.
Time budgeted a couple hours for workout today. Went way over in conversation with fellow in tub. He had worked for GNC in Covina, CA. Football running back too so we talked sports nutrition and how much LA and Phoenix have gotten crowded and the differences between. He misses the small restaurants. Living in Peoria, mostly corporate locations. Yadda we recalled all the controversies... roid records, ephedra ban, etc.
We didn't sell anaerobic steroids, of course, but homeopatic testosterone pre-cursors and assorted extracts catering to muscle mass density. Creatine makes the muscle cells absorb more fluid going to the celebrated buff pumping iron. A pitcher in Spring Training dropped dead full of ephedra and creatine. Dehydrated and cardiac hyperactivity. Don't recall the autopsy but certainly had scruples being allopathically trained. Congressional hearings and FDA intervention. We talked. Herbs too.
Then I looked at the clock; time to go. Getting home to change for dinner, decided to change my Facebook profile picture. Yeah, like the hydrogenation and somebody just try to take our legs! I can do ribbitts in five octaves.
Changing Subject
Real nice the cooler weather. About time but for all we know could be another spell over the century mark. I had roses once here. For about two years. Didn't put them in the ground but in oak barrels cut down to 1/3 dimension. A couple of them. Got fried. Tried mini-roses last year. Got fried. Might try it again if I stay. Under mesquite shade might do. Little patio. I don't know. No reason to put so much work into what's simply a bunkhouse and don't go there.
Hilarious. Before the "Rainbow Banner" came to be displayed, one Sunday afternoon about ten years ago, after coffee and watching the screen for the DBack score, stopped into the Bunkhouse on 7th Avenue. Never been there but passed many times over the years. Not an imbiber, what did I know about venue specifications? So, upon stepping in, a trannie asked me what I'd have and I scoped about. Hmm. Told him I'd go to the bar and stepped up. Took in two innings. The place was packed. Don't remember the result. I thought after, well, rather than with real people, where else can the priestcraft trade go? God help us.
Hilarious. Before the "Rainbow Banner" came to be displayed, one Sunday afternoon about ten years ago, after coffee and watching the screen for the DBack score, stopped into the Bunkhouse on 7th Avenue. Never been there but passed many times over the years. Not an imbiber, what did I know about venue specifications? So, upon stepping in, a trannie asked me what I'd have and I scoped about. Hmm. Told him I'd go to the bar and stepped up. Took in two innings. The place was packed. Don't remember the result. I thought after, well, rather than with real people, where else can the priestcraft trade go? God help us.
International Cautionary Tale
Well, just about everyone knows the story here. Orange = global safety indicator. There was someone working on a sign, changing the graphics, last week. Thus.
Don't know why the cones are still there. Coney Dapples? Ha... get a life, huh? That would be nice given some cooperation; haters ruining everything snuff it.
Normally don't belly-ache but this morning I sure do have one. Gum xanthan?!! Nodded off last night but woke up with a start craving rice pudding. Near midnight.
Off I went to make the grocery before closure. Home having plus dehydrated fruit. A few more chapters and back to sleep, waking up real early with intestinal concrete within.
Oh, I see that the sign guy isn't finished. Holding his spot for the air compressor. Went out to truck cause, at this moment, fortunately had a bottle of San Pellegino. Had brought it to share with Francesca but got yobbed and later for that. Never again. Just won't go back there. Stay out of bars? Good advise, but, comes the home team?
I can live without them. As it's cooling off, thought to stay home, tidy and read.
Until Christmas. Who needs any of them?Strangers and traffic. This town bores silly.
The local Starbucks full of hostiles and phonies. Just had ridiculous scenario where
young Latina obviously displays chesty and hairly. Alluring? Then a yob sits with her.
Like, this is my problem? What a hoot. Certainly do prefer my privacy, but in public? Hey - you can't trust anyone and nobody but your mother gives a rat's ass, right? Yup.
There was a good session with Dr. Hyde. How does one come to trust people? We talked... he came right out and said it, no games: "When they're predictable." Rare. Oh, yeah.
My 'family' is predictably mean and a studied case in despicability. I avoid them. They shunt it into sadistic 'humor' and well, generally speaking, they're not saved. People I 'meet' are mostly users who could care less. (Too bad I didn't like my mother.) They've got agendas, eh? Knew girl once. She said, "Some people just want to fuck."
Yeow. Have digested some writing this up. I'm going to hit the tub and degravitate GI tract, get things moving along in peristaltic fashion. Way off my diet, I am.
Up in the air as to whether I watch football later. Haven't seen Cardinals at all so far. Just figure, after I hopefully get a good nap, it might be fun going to a Cowboy bar.
Sunday, September 24, 2017
Crossed Long Ago
"Might we interest you in a bridge?"
Silence, perhaps, and distance closed;
left hand knowing not what right doth do.
All in all, a twain met and que sera sera, OK?
Very tired but must say once started on something I try to get done or it bothers me. Takes some doing the phone shots processed and resized then posted on small screen, the page wriggling window fields around. Passed this on way home. Many visits there and old Phoenix Baptist.
The preacher this morning spoke on John's gospel from beginning to end of a theme, focusing on Chapter 20. Good review after. Just on periphery there. Bible study Wednesday, as per usual. So yeah, pretty much placid. How I hold up problematic.
Great Coms
Good thing hot tea as the chill happens. Freezin' in here.
Funny, the purveyor has no good black tea. Breakfast is it.
Got a hankerin' for a real pastry as well. Ha... good luck.
Did indeed bring a yoghurt bar with me for trip home.
Dinner At Eight
Awfully hungry. Catty corner TexMex and here's Tex smothered with gravy.
There was a real Tex at Memorial Hospital in Manhattan. In surgery. Really.
He was what used to be called a Type A. Head orderly; kept things rolling.
We'd chat when I had to park elevator for move downstairs to ICU recovery.
Later, I'd usually go straight home. Saving money for school. No clubs.
That was the East Side. Usually walk down 1st Avenue to 59th Street.
Hop on train. Gather they've finally got 2nd Avenue line done. Deep.
Others were trench and cover jobs for the most part. Not Texaz, boys.
Nothing against them; not that there's anything wrong with it. Ugh.
Anyhow, plenty of food to home and expect to be settled down by 2000.
Getting into French bonkers pretty good. (Done there, been that.) Intense.
No time to cook off anything this evening. What would Savarin say?
Ready, Doctor
Watched no football today. Last inning DBacks was all.
Tomorrow is Cardinals and Dallas. In a quandary of sorts.
Do I want to go to a Cowboy venue in this circumstance?
Wouldn't think so but who's got an exclusive Arizona locale?
Don't care to get involved in the usual bang-up game. (Touch!)
Normally don't do so until playoffs when I go with the homers
or pick an old favorite or even a rival if the others are overhyped.
Yet can't see spiral, and got to wait for replay viz leading receiver.
Today Pretty Interesting
Indeed. We love the water. When admitted.
Good enough thing to do while soaking. Yaa.
Range of motion real good. Keeping busy.
Have to get more motivated to do laps. Yeah.
Frankly, unagressive. Feel that toward...
Declared this morn that I would photo
and sue anyone who called me weird.
The old man very stubborn and stupid.
Slander. Then again got far away into past.
My word; have you seen the Zumwalt? 🗽
Perhaps abandoned by rats but under tow.
Believe it'll all work out once clearance given.
Perhaps abandoned by rats but under tow.
Believe it'll all work out once clearance given.
Well We Never
A fellow posted this on Facebook some time ago. Dipsy vibes but too good to pass up. I'd made the observation of the ladies in red at the table. No response forthcoming.
Obviously, they have astounded looks on faces and watch themselves in due course. Surreptitiously? They note camera. Probably signed waiver.
Personally, sue anyone who does not make such a request and exhibits it publicly. Upon discovery and adjudication, you just might own said operators. They are parasitic and reprehensible; I think a jury would agree.
Personally, sue anyone who does not make such a request and exhibits it publicly. Upon discovery and adjudication, you just might own said operators. They are parasitic and reprehensible; I think a jury would agree.
There's a shot a ways back needs correcting. Wasn't happy with the crop. Miniscule matter at edge. Have meant to go there and fix it but just about always going ahead. Tedious to have to scroll back, find it and do the processing. Of the veranda at the 16th and Bethany Store #06954. Just might have to time presently. Figure about five minutes. Can be done - ugh. Not anal but bugs me.
Somewhat like Navy; over-deployed, overworked, dependent on automatic telemetry. When those collisions happened, I couldn't imagine how. Telemetry fail-safed. Perhaps a Gaussian phenomenon. The Watch. Then it came out how fatigued the ship's companies are. So many punks running rampant contemporaneously, seems such a travesty. They serve Mammon and themselves, not necessarily in that order. No use whatsoever. Really bugs me. Little shits.
Leave it go? Not my job? Will authorities act? Yes, yes; they've got head up arse.
I'm going to church and will pray for them all. Then to spa for further regeneration.
Tea this after at location mentioned. Will have taken a few shots in the meantime.
Ha... bring yoghurt bar on the sly. Peanuts secreted too, no doubt. Totally relaxed.
Somewhat like Navy; over-deployed, overworked, dependent on automatic telemetry. When those collisions happened, I couldn't imagine how. Telemetry fail-safed. Perhaps a Gaussian phenomenon. The Watch. Then it came out how fatigued the ship's companies are. So many punks running rampant contemporaneously, seems such a travesty. They serve Mammon and themselves, not necessarily in that order. No use whatsoever. Really bugs me. Little shits.
Leave it go? Not my job? Will authorities act? Yes, yes; they've got head up arse.
I'm going to church and will pray for them all. Then to spa for further regeneration.
Tea this after at location mentioned. Will have taken a few shots in the meantime.
Ha... bring yoghurt bar on the sly. Peanuts secreted too, no doubt. Totally relaxed.
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