Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Git Yer Feet Off

Had I known today was going to be so disorganized, I'd've not left the house. I've got two books going now. The French couple and this going back a ways. There was a real good program on PBS a while ago about forestry. Come to think of it, I haven't turned the TV on in months. How many months since I met Francesca? Around Easter. Probably won't see her again as she can sure dish it but not take it. Good thing to find out before getting involved. That was queer too, finding out what a scuzzy life she's had. Nothing can do about it so long as she's adamant about being self-centered. Thanks a lot, girl friend. But no thanks to the wicked network of dupes. They're jealous as all hell. I will not brook them. I will not fight them. I will trust in God and no one needs to know any more.

Whom I channel, she could know better. What's she got but baggage?
And that I'd carry in a New York minute. Terrible outcome. No reunion.

Got together enough to go to auction viewing. Funny that; viewers here...
comments? Contradiction in terms: intrude upon then ignore him. Strange.

Seems, in addition to contiguous perverts, I'm taking on the RCs. The papist are done for. Not my doing but theirs. Not worth a spit nor the time of day. Why? They'll use it against one toward advantage in a tangle over the power of the Gospel, they to gouge, we to gift, for it is indeed thus. They've no efficacy whatsoever. Things created or destroyed? As if they've got a thing to do with spiritual well-being. Haters. What will they make of the work presented? Not their property is all I can posit.

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