Sunday, September 17, 2017

Sweet Land Ho

Really a shame. Plenty cowardice to go around as the courtship collapses. Such a plot. Relegated dust bin with rest of the shit relations. Utter hypocrisy compounded by cockamamie cover- ups. Deny it.

I'd gone to Luci's earlier and gotten a bottle of sparkling mineral water to give to Francesca for 7th inning stretch but she could care less. Brought some good tea last night which she proceeded to adulterate while ignoring gesture and displaying idiocy. Contempt... been there, obliterated that. She's as bad as my reprehensible sister. Better or worse no longer my concern. Condemned. Under all the facades of status, cash flow, frivolity and obscene loutishness, they can't interact in a respectable manner on account they hate themselves for their pitiful lives and resent those who call them on it. Hence forgot about bottle. Not the first time!

Once visited Bonanno after a friend had picked up a Yankee cap from stadium for to gift it. She was drugged, drunk and fornicating. An actual arsehole who did not receive it. Forgotten, but the type (sexualist stock in trade) proverbial. Iris the virus can fill you in on the outrageous details. Slut. Who'd care to replicate that?!! My heart went out to Francesca but... no way.

Too bad all. (Vindictive people.)
They're welcome to their world.
Ugly fuckers; scum of the earth, unite.
So we can flush you away economically.

They will never be forgiven.

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