Monday, September 18, 2017

Nice Park

I have to ask; "What's more scurrilous than chortling at someone's else's misfortune?"

One of those 'been there' circumstances where you wouldn't dare after experiencing some personal tragedy, right? But you'd be surprised. One get's knocked on one's arse and there'll be someone else to say you deserved it. Others will claim the gods are laughing. I'm often keyed into Tantalus. (Prometheus another story.) You know, pride before a fall, arrogance smacked down, serves you right...

Hubris. Catharsis. Learning curves. We love it, right? Wrong. Who likes to get pummeled by life? Once knew a woman, a violinist with a symphony, who had to deal with Multiple Sclerosis. Take it from there. She did not deserve that! It was heart-rendering to work with her as the etiology progressed - quality of life regressing awfully as, in her private space, there was a tremendous willingness to, yes, 'deal with it' and not brood upon the catastrophe. She had a holy sense of humor, making transfers that used to be nary a thought, forget about the spotlights. Having been there, how can one ever laugh again? Salute.

When we were kids and the Thalidomide scandal was descried, indeed there were hucksters who'd make a joke about it, it being repeated through the ranks. Comic relief? Well, go figure... "Tommy's a Thalidomide baby and can't play baseball." We can use him as second base. Yeah, right! I knew another fellow with a club paw and he played third base! Had to be seen to be fully appreciated. So there; all this to be overcome. This is news? Everyone past the age of reason gets it eventually.

But it's a process. Between jobs I was done so with the people above. Went to speak with a mucky-muck. He ignored me. I was a commodity in his view, to be shunted through his system. Probably never looked at the resume. There's gold in them there po' folks, eh? Am I a cynic. HAD TO BE THERE. He could have cared less. Am I a cynic or simply stoic? Wish I were somewhere else.

Goodwill's great for silk shirts. The occasional accessory. Furniture? One can do much better. Had a fun conversation with a young woman about the old Telco ensemble. Cable spools of assorted sizes. End tables, night table - and
le pièce de résistance... tonight we dine! A bird. Fricassee a bird! We've got some veggies along stewing in the crock pot from, you guesseded it, Sally Army. She was terribly amused. A rare thing indeed as it's usually in one ear and out the other. Am I a cynic?

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