Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Hair Balls

Potted around a bit and then irrigated... pun intended. Repotted. The annuals need to be replaced and others need more room. You tend not to water as much over the winter and let them get somewhat dessicated. The larger cacti will shrink. I can see growth patterns on some domestic saguaro that have been sparsely watered during the winter and then bolused during the heat - contrary to the natural cycle.

Pulled myself together and took a ride. Came to me driving across town. Do something along Dreamy Draw. So I did. A ride and a short walk. 30 odd shots. Wasn't it Christmas, like, two weeks ago? I broke out into perspiration doing some climbing for vantage points. Finished up with the above... what's your problem?

Same old shots. Knew a girl once, a friend's teenage daughter. We hiked a lot and I'd take the pictures. She loved them, and loved getting her own poses captured - before selfies; we'd wait for the prints. There were some really good ones. I told her, "One day we'll have a show at the Whitney." 

Haven't seen her in twenty-five years! Well, if I did have one it would be something like "Phoenix Rocks" as that's about all there is. Thousands of pictures of rocks. Vetus saxa redunda. The occasional flower. Just had a conversation with a fellow regarding moving files between a Microsoft app and a Google one, specifically uploading music from laptop hard drive to Google Drive cloud for to download into phone. La-de-da... the young man looked competent and I asked him if there's be a problem across the corporate interface as I'd yet to figure out how to do it. Anyway, he had an interesting face. Turk or Kurd; hooked nose. Dark eyes. Had his hoodie up. That would have made a good portrait but gets complicated. 

Yeah, complications and tough all over. Very tough conditions.  
Have to stick with what's there without getting personal. LOL

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