Thursday, January 4, 2018

Native Perusal

Some trekking around today, looking for the picturesque. Don't you know one of the best ones was noticed getting out of the truck in a parking lot. Piestewa redux. Must have couple hundred shots of that hill!

The Internet abuzz with exponential bogosity with the impending publication of this gossippy drivel. (5-1 the gawk is queer.) Bannon has always seemed off-the-wall to me. I think, when he speaks to serious subjects like the metastases of Administrative Law, he holds my attention. Otherwise, a player who looks like he always has a bag on. Where did he make his money? Goldman, Sachs... movie production. Highly opinionated busybody.

I was certainly surprised when the Donald won. I believe he did on account of the people in the old Rust Belt who've been pummeled for over 30 years with loss of jobs as industry liquidated and moved overseas. They retrained only to have to compete with illegals and unbridled immigration. Those midwestern states put him over the top. Bannon drove those issues, but he seems a manipulator with regard to the sobriety of governing.

I'm ambivalent about legal immigration. The best case to be made is that the U.S. birth rate is not sustaining the demands of Social Security and Medicare with regard to a beneficial ratio of workers to recipients. But, with the practice of admitting dependent extended families, the opposite occurs as welfare beneficiaries negate the workers.

I don't care what the identity political skew is: I'm a native. Not Nativist. Yet I do not like to see the U.S. inundated by greedy people pushing other natives out of jobs. Half the world wants to move to California and those natives lament the circumstances.   

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