It's a vestige of Internet past, live-blogging the State of the Union speech. No, not going to do it, but I am watching.
Even further back, I can recall the first times I watched as a kid. It was hearing the doorkeeper of the House at the time, "Fishbait" Miller, was the transcending moment... "Mr. Speaker: the President of the United States." Loved that bellowing voice. All the history in it from the English Commonwealth to the vaunted leader of the ' free world'.
It's all formulaic from there. The state of the Union is strong, America is great, huh? We can do better. But never much humor... that would be unpresidential, see. Soaring rhetoric? I don't feel comfortable with a Preacher-in-Chief; leave it for the Church. One of the problems of the State, having to deal with what abandoned churches neglect, charity.
It's all formulaic from there. The state of the Union is strong, America is great, huh? We can do better. But never much humor... that would be unpresidential, see. Soaring rhetoric? I don't feel comfortable with a Preacher-in-Chief; leave it for the Church. One of the problems of the State, having to deal with what abandoned churches neglect, charity.
The journos call it the laundry list, the issues POTUS seeks to focus upon, the legislative agenda he seeks to accomplish. Since Reagan's time, the obligatory heros. I detest it when the party in opposition from the President sit on their hands. Grumps.
The Democrats look ridiculous tonight. Sorry, but I despise them, the seditious bastards and their media flunkies. Such spite!
Mr. Trump sounds alright tonight. How dastardly his antagonists are, their bogus diagnostics so reprehensible. The Russian canard - beyond the pale. All so personal.
I've registered as an Independent my entire life. Prior to voting, my empathy entirely Democratic; through the years they've annoyed me no end. When I recently renewed my driving licence, in the wake of the disgraceful Democrats' efforts to deligitimize and destroy the President, I registered as a Republican. I look forward to seeing the socialist fakes eradicated.
He just finished. The Donald.
From Queens. Splendid. We're good.
From Queens. Splendid. We're good.
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