Bottlebrush, of a sort? Ah... no... Calliandra. Brazilian species.
Well, close enough. Good to know what's about, but I forget subsequently.
Well, close enough. Good to know what's about, but I forget subsequently.
Something to do at coffee until motivated to get further out for hike. More rocks!
Here's one of the reasons I'd like to get back to Oregon and a temperate climate.
Funny story about a short trek out onto a headland on the coast, SLR at hand.
The weather most changeable, sunny at outset, clouds rolling by, sudden squalls.
So you set out prepared. Over your shirt a sweater if needed; rain jacket ready.
Put on or peel off as you go, the temperature ranging 20 degrees like that!
We made couple mile hike to the lighthouse, victualed and commenced return.
Misty wet on the way back, all layers applied. Sun out back at vehicle. Off jacket.
Camera hung round neck in case. Off sweater but camera first. Put it on VW bug.
Take off up corduroyed road. "Hey, Rich... that your camera bouncing back there?"
Encased, it survived. Still have it. Never use it. Too complicated. She complained.
Taking other hikes, would take some time to figure focal point, set aperture and
shutter speed. Maybe take several different settings. Slowed her down. Perspective?
Different objectives. She wanted to 'get there' while I took in the aesthetics. Sheesh.
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