Friday, October 13, 2017

Got My Shots

Stopped into hideout for to test waters after critique. No problem. (Be still.)
Milady arri
ved. We have an agreement and I'm going to stick to it. Seriously.
What she 
says goes in her space. Until I come up with an explanation. Dicey.
It can't be "I would die for you." That would make her more uncomfortable.

Much better to live and let live. Passing by the light rail terminal. Why not?

Something to do until Yankees in a while. Ah... meditation garden. Hmm...
have we a crow or raven? What can I do, sizing it down and coloring it up,
to bring out the eyes and not lose the sheen on the coat of feathers? Not much.

Hey; could be a grackle! Anyway, intriguing conversation at the bar overheard.
Some dykes going at it with regard to "It's not a church." (The nerve of the guy!)
Here we have it! Being a Christian isn't a sometime thing, going through motions
for purposes of placation, but is integrated into one's being toward pleasing God.

Got the shots posted. Always feel good accomplishing anything in mine dotage.
Time to get on over to baseball venue. Yanks up against Houston. New one on me...
I'd no idea they'd moved from NL to AL. Set up rivalry with Rangers? Who knows?
Pretty good pictures of not going anywhere. Saved one for here; people of color!

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