Sunday, October 15, 2017

Upon Dissonance

Awfully glad to have the flowers; feeling awful this morning. Residual of cold. Perhaps hypoglycemic. Have gotten into disjunct sleep pattern, eating, reading, falling asleep. Then for less than four hours, thence to repeat cycle. 

Had thought about church this morning but, again, don't like going alone and really don't feel like being lectured to. Would be better to have a friend (just one is all I need) to go watch the Cardinals with, for crying out loud. I'm saved and simply want to enjoy my life without complication by juveniles.

Made a mistake last night which also has me down. Waking up after midnight, thought to go visit the local femme fatale,  she who must be obeyed, milady herself. Thought the better of it insofar as nothing but trouble and inconvenience, to say nothing of default damned if you do, damned if you don't make your peace with someone who's got a piece of your heart. Conflicted feelings indeed. Get real; as if she cares. Big mistake. 

So, good thing the flowers. I have been responsible for them. Didn't take much, right? Too much... the femme symbolista O'Keefe vulvar obsessives. Another off-the-wall school of thought holds it the gates of hell. Phenomenologically speaking, beyond good and evil, devoid of significance without love. Really.

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