Friday, October 6, 2017


Whiling away time while watching not so good.
Have a bunch of images taken with 5mp camera.
Multi tweaked due to poor quality. Making do.
Above is steed formerly resident on Northern.

Here we have a splendid poster; apropos at work?
I had to keep it sheathed last job I had. Repression?
You betcha but I don't gamble. Status conscious yobettes.
Anyway, don't care to be involved; just get picture.

This is from my cactus garden. Salvaged planter.
From Lux coffee where I wouldn't be caught dead.
Hence how wonderful a living thing considering the
pall of deathly creepiness about the place. Snoots.

Well, just practicing using the Kindle this endeavor.
Certainly prefer laptop but good to have options.

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