Monday, November 6, 2017

Don't Compete?

Up early. Bit of a wait before opening and getting online. Presently ensconced and observing the parade of barbarians. Can only aver I'd rather be home and it's a shame the harm people do to each other. Barbarians.

"Well, hold on there, pardner... consider the Byzantines puttin' each others' eyes out, fer cryin' out loud."

Alright. But there's a tattooed female with her arse in skin-tight knickers gyrating before the faux Danish. And there's some mook looks like an atavistic ass. Am I being too critical? Would you say I was class conscious?

"You said it, pard."
Do you think I need a change of scene?
"Yer goin' to run into this everwhere."
Unfortunately, that is the case. 

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