Sunday, November 19, 2017


Things come and go but skills can stabilize life. Pretty much common sense. I'm so glad I took some time this morning to learn how to manually focus the camera. (Didn't take long but did take some focus of another sort.) Sun rising. Up early. Iron a shirt. Take a few shots. Go for coffee. Get to Sunday School. Straightforward.

I was aghast when I read the previous post. As mentioned, written in the hot tub and just wanted to get it done. My right brain in control with regard to the picture and the memory, the left inoperative relative to spelling! Several typos. Not easy writing things up on a phone screen either. So, there... calm and cool, I saw them right away on the laptop  presently - I have not forgotten. Optimally, the hemispheres coordinate.

Well, please God I get myself together, get organized and maintain stability. 

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