Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Patience and Fortitude

Funny. Blew off baseball game. Just saw one minute news report.
That's all I needed to know. Will I go for Game 7? (I miss my Dad.)
Problematic. Bible study in conflict. Now there's the case in a nutshell!
I suppose I will. Maybe run into someone to watch with. Unlikely.

It's one thing to have bad memories where you occasionally are reminded.
To have recent ones and often have to deal with them in passing is a bear.
The critical thing is that they are only significant insofar as I let them be.
Some conflict there too. Yet were I to meet a good friend... poof... gone.

That's just as unlikely. But I'm pretty much used to being alone. Buck up!
I don't like that derogation 'loner'. I'm not. Highly sociable. Gregarious.
Living in an environment where people are most unfriendly doesn't help.
The nexus of social life in Phoenix is the commercial transaction. Pathetic.

Well, let's just chill. Plenty to read; much to do. Matter of priorities.
In addition to Cervantes, have got this and that going. Coral Sea done.
Lexington lost but 90% of crew survived. Major issues regarding ordinance.
Defective torpedoes. Dive bombing ineffective. All overcome in time.  

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