Thursday, December 21, 2017

All I Want

For Christmas? Peace. Good will. A truce. Made a post on Facebook about the Incarnation. Somewhat snarky, somewhat preachy. Sectarian matter. Bible believing versus 'my take' on things. I thought it rather good. Thank You, Lord, for the favor.

Couldn't help but recall minor disputations with the good sisters. LOL

Further thought led me to ponder the matter of a 'personal' relationship with Jesus Christ. One hears this often from the pietists and I agree with such an endeavor. But it sounds so formulaic. The relationship is inherently, intrinsically personal. Then shared - if you're prompted to do so. Like Moses, God will put the words in your mouth; I believe He helped me with the words of the post.

Thus some little disappointment there were no 'likes' for the sharing. No "Amens!" from the church people neither. I thought... what is the nature of the relationship? The apostles called Jesus Rabbi. Teacher. Yes. To subscribe and adhere to His words. Beyond assured salvation, a disciple. That's the relation. Nobody likes it!!? Well, maybe too personal, eh?

Where can one start but from The Beatitudes and feel blessed. Poor in spirit? Alone at Christmas? No problem... in His Kingdom, not of this world. I shall not want.

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