Sunday, December 3, 2017

Troll Yourself

Channel 13 preceded PBS in NYC and was produced toward providing edifying programming. PBS has become a socialist stooge. They scarf their 'premium' dramatic fare from class-obsessed BBC and parasitically thrive off of corporate doles; go figure. Corporatism? Your donations go to produce foodie commercials and 'journalists' bullshitting. A vaster wasteland indeed. 

My, how that's segued to the Internet. A corporatist pit. I took a computer programming class in 1968. We never saw the mainframe IBM 360.  All we had in this high school class was a punch card machine and our rulers with the geometric forms for to create flow charts. BASIC. The teacher took our cards to his graduate school and had a few hours a week to run them. 

Got my first desktop in the 80s and went online in the 90s. Though never in IT, what I'm looking to say is that I've watched this phenomenon grow from printing up HAPPY BIRTHDAY banners to DARPA to viral farce. I am disappointed. Smart phones? Idiots in command.

When I do participate, I try to be rational and neat. Look at this blog. Well produced for an amateur, no? My expertise was in patient care, not technology nor desktop publishing. And I took good care of my people. It's only in the past several years that I've delved in. I take care to be light-hearted. I am disappointed.

OK. I am not a troll. It distresses me when I go to the trouble of thinking things through and writing it up only to have no response whatsoever. Case in point:

No discussion. No nothing. I remember Steve Jobs going on in a childlike manner of how computers will talk with one another. Baloney... they want to sell you more baloney. Rather, people choose to ignore each other if anything is beyond what they see in a mirror reflecting how they've been programed. If one tries to impart something to think about, something to consider, is that 'trolling' for a reaction? 

A wasteland of time and effort. Years ago I had a conversation with a man concerning a difficult relationship I was in. In hindsight, I was seeking validation. "A man's alone in this world." he said. True that.

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