The roses died and the plant stand was stolen. Story of my life? Good thing I've got these pictures for to memorialize. However, do prefer to be present minded.
Presently trying to determine whether, were I to gift some pictures to some people, it would be somehow manipulative of me. I would like to spread good will but am wary of ramifications. Do I make something of nothing? In a quandary.
I do aim to please. What harm would it do? Why do I go through these mental gymnastics? Recall conversation with shrink... about trusting people. He said it turned on predictability. I just don't know how it would be received.
Well, gave them over. They liked them. No problem. Done.
Someone else might like this but I've got to demure. Quandary.
Someone else might like this but I've got to demure. Quandary.
Some other time, perchance. (Slim that!) Yeah, that's all it was.
Completely buffaloed, I am. Dawn here. We'll see. You never know.
Completely buffaloed, I am. Dawn here. We'll see. You never know.
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