Saturday, December 9, 2017

Status Quo

Nice get together for breakfast at church this morning. Men's group. Splendid feed.
Some little discussion pursuant to Psalm 119:57... The Lord is my portion. Enough.

Glad to be able to meet some people as near to Christmas as we are. There'd be nothing else otherwise. Not very much into the superfluity of it all. No contact with relations. That's all past. Do not wish to become cynical about it. Can celebrate Jesus among us, yet have no desire to be caught up in any commercial aspect.

I remember many years ago seeing some sort of a PBS presentation of a British production about a boy who's Puritan father did not, would not, celebrate Christmas. A George Eliot sort of tale. Grim life. (A search turns up nothing.) The father dies and the boy's sent to live with an uncle who does, the story turning on the boy's very first Christmas. Nice story. Were I involved with anyone who did, I'd probably feel differently. I guess I've felt this way about 25 years now. It really is a family celebration but I won't be let down by circumstance.

By myself, The Lord is my portion. Whatever blessing he sees fit to bestow. Had a good talk with the pastor. So, making a friend is just alright with me. Que sera, sera.

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